Δεύτερη ευκαιρία...


Οικείος Πόνος...

 Με αιθαλομίχλη αιωρούμενος μεταξύ ρωγμές, 

Όλα έμοιαζαν ήρεμα.

 Μία από τις πολλές νύχτες που έμεινα 

Μένω στο σπίτι

 Καθισμένος στον καναπέ, στην 


 The melody sounds shy but happy,

the steps stop,

for the direct

sneezed beauty.

Now the chords

they do not stop smiling.

Innocent souls raise their hands.

with tireless hopes and illusions.

Absorb the moments in a wonderful way,

giving us great lessons

to these crazy adults, that sometimes, we forget

of the best gifts

It is called PRESENT.

the architects of our destiny

 One afternoon a childless man caused the inappropriate,

it does not matter the time or place.

His only goal was to caress

a breath of fresh air.

He lay down on the wet grass.

looked up, I'm breathing

and where he never thought to find,

a smile dared new hopes.

There may be no set happy fees.

but if the architects of our destiny

why stop?


The whisper of the clouds

to announce new arrivals.

The colors regain their simplicity

and keep shaping

the best stories:



There are many times when we walk without stopping the senses,

naive to know that when we do it is with our eyes closed.

And it is worth opening them, because ALWAYS, no matter what happens,

there is this storm of colors between grayish tones

which gives us back hope.